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Remedies That Work > Candida Albicans / Candidiasis
Candida Albicans / Candidiasis

Candida Albicans/Candidiasis

The Magic Mix: are these 2 herbs for Candida

How to prepare....

1 > The tea mix: Putting 1oz. of each of the herbs below into 32 oz. of water (1 quart) stainless steel or glass pot and cook them down at a low boil to half the original contents. To equal 16 oz. of both herbs combined.
1 ounce (2 tablespoons) Pau d' Arco (Bulk /Cut Herb)
1 ounce (2 tablespoons) Black Walnut (Bulk / Cut Herb)

2> Then strain the herbs,16 oz.and pour the content into 2 quart of water and drink this 2-quart mixture for 2 days. One quart a day for two days.

3> Then take 1 tbl of slippery elm powder(or 2 capsules)and 1 tbl(or 2 capsules) of licorice root powder hourly, for 2 weeks (from when you wake-up- till you fall asleep)
Capsules are available at a local health food source.

This formula coats the GI tract and heals any type of leaky gut syndrome, and clears the toxins out.... Take these herbs for two weeks to heal any type of leaky gut syndrome.

4 > Then drink the #1 Herbal tea mix again for two days.

5 > Then take Probiotics - For 2 week to a month or for however long the bottle says to take) available in health food stores.

6> For Major Results on your Health Conditions Call Roger at
1-949-933-7666 or toll free at 1-800-915-8872 or email body.expressions@yahoo.com

Candida Albicans/Candidiasis

The Magic Mix: are these 2 herbs for Candida

How to prepare....

1 > The tea mix: Putting 1oz. of each of the herbs below into 32 oz. of water (1 quart) stainless steel or glass pot and cook them down at a low boil to half the original contents. To equal 16 oz. of both herbs combined.
1 ounce (2 tablespoons) Pau d' Arco ( Bulk /Cut Herb )
1 ounce (2 tablespoons) Black Walnut ( Bulk / Cut Herb)

2 > Then strain the herbs, 16 oz. and pour the content into 2 quart of water and drink this 2 quart mixture for 2 days. One quart a day for two days.

3> Then take 1 tbl of slippery elm powder (or 2 capsules) & 1tbl (or 2 capsules) of licorice root powder hourly, for 2 weeks (from when you wake-up- till you fall asleep)
Capsules are available at a local health food source.

This formula coats the GI tract and heals any type of leaky gut syndrome, and clears the toxins out.... Take these herbs for two weeks and can heal any type of leaky gut syndrome.

4 > Then drink the #1 Herbal tea mix again for 2 days.

5 > Then take Probiotics --- For 2 week to a month or for however long the bottle says to take) available in health food stores.

6>For Major Results on your Health Conditions Contact: www.body-expressions.com



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