Hormonal Saliva Testing: by Sabre Science. This company was established in 1999, Sabre Sciences, Inc. has consistently been on the cutting edge of the growing field of Endocrinology. Dedicated to comprehensive hormone health, Sabre Sciences, since its inception, has been one of the fastest growing laboratories that provide endocrine testing/support. Sabre Sciences, is committed to assisting practitioners in finding the help they need for supporting their clients health. To date, more than 15,000 people have benefited from Sabre Science's unique approach to balance.
Why Saliva ?Saliva testing measures the levels of circulating hormones available to body tissues in men and women.Saliva is considered to be a better indicator of biologically active hormone levels than blood – more accurately reflecting the body’s functional hormone status.
Saliva collection is simple, non-invasive and can be performed in the privacy of ones home.The sample is sent by mail to the laboratory. The results will be sent to the individual or the referring practitioner within 10 to 14 working days following receipt of the sample.The hormones are stable at room temperature for 5 days and require no special handling for shipment.
Dr. Eck'sHair Analysis:Body Expressions offers the complete individualized test interpretation by the method developed by Dr. Paul C. Eck. This comprensive 15-20 page report is unique as it includes information related to your metabolic rate, energy levels, sugar and carbohydrate tolerance, immune system, autonomic balance, glandular activity and metabolic trends, a personal dietary supplement program, basic diet recommendations and other information that can be inferred from the test results
Dr.Eck's Analytical Lab Hair Test is a comprehensive laboratory hair test to evaluate your overall body chemistry, mineral ratios and Toxic Heavy Metals levels currently existing in your body. A detailed 15-20 page report will be sent to you along with a supplement program to balance the imbalances your body currenty is experiencing. Just click on any of the links below and we will send you the info to complete your order.
Types of Profiles
To order: Dr. Eck's Analytical Hair Test click on these links below:
This mineral tissue hair analysis evaluates 21 mineral levels and their ratio levels in the body along with determining any accumulation of toxic heavy metals which can cause a multitude of health problems. The minerals checked are: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, chromium, seleniun, phosporus. The Toxic Minerals checked for are: lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, alumunium. Additional minerals checked for are: nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, lithium and boron.
We, at Body Expressions offer the complete individualized test interpretation by the method developed by Dr. Paul C. Eck. This 15-20 page report is unique as it includes information related to your metabolic rate, energy levels, sugar and carbohydrate tolerance, immune system, autonomic balance, glandular activity and metabolic trends, a personal dietary supplement program, basic diet recommendations and other information that can be inferred from the test results. If you are interested in the initial hair test Profile 2 > Just click on the link above to order Profile 2
We also offer Profile 5 the only personalized transition dietary plan based entirely upon the results of your hair tissue mineral analysis. This 25 page report includes three transition diets, menu plans and a wealth of information covering food preparation, eating habits, changing one's habits, cooking, shopping and other valuable information. To order Profile 5 just click on the link below:
Profile 4- Laboratory Mineral and Progress / Comparison Interpretation
This profile includes the NEW complete Multi-Mineral Laboratory analysis comparison provided in Profile 2plus a thorough 12-15 page interpretation that evaluates any changes in the patient's biochemistry since their last hair analysis evaluation. A detailed comparison of current & former mineral levels and ratios with previous test results are indicated PLUS any modifications to the dietary supplement program. To order a Profile 4> Hair Comparason Interpretation Test just click on the link above.
This Profile 5 can provide additional guidance to your personalized transition dietary plan which is based entirely upon the results of your hair tissue mineral analysis. This 22-25 page report includes three complete transition diets, menu plans and a wealth of information covering food preparation, eating habits, modifying one's habits, cooking, shopping and other valuable information. This profile may be ordered as an addition to any of the other profiles. Click on the above link to order Profile 5
Personalized Body Dowsing, is a way for me to ‘tune into your energy field’ though the use of a pendulum, a scoring chart and your PERMISSION to do the evaluation. Therefore, I must have your permission to access cellular information about you and the health of your entire body/mind system. Specific dosages of the supplement program are also recommended using whole food supplements, herbal remedies and homeopathic's to regain optimal health.
To order a Personalized Body Dowsing session just Click on the above Personalized Body Dowsing link.
Retesting & Updating> You have most likely already started your supplement program on what your body tested positive for in your initial session with me. Congratulations, for taking the next step forward toward your ultimate wellness.
Retesting & Updating is a very valuble test for you to check your personal progress from your last session to NOW. While on your regenerative program. While taking the supplements your body chemistry will CHANGE. You may now need LESS of a supplement, a DIFFERENT supplement or STOP taking a supplement.
To Order a Retest / Update >> just click HERE and you will be taken to the payment page. The cost for the update is $100.00. I will be notified of your payment and will do your updated session and contact you when your update is completed.
Hormones exert a powerful influence over all physical, intellectual and emotional behavior. Problems with weight, memory, sleep, digestion, blood pressure, high cholesterol, cravings, addictions, sexual dysfunctions, and problems associated with the immune system, are all influenced by the endocrine system. Endocrine problems lead to a wide spectrum of symptoms that in most cases can be reversed using natural methods.
Hormones exert a powerful influence over all physical, intellectual and emotional behavior. Problems with weight, memory, sleep, digestion, blood pressure, high cholesterol, cravings, addictions, sexual dysfunctions, and problems associated with the immune system, are all influenced by the endocrine system. Endocrine problems lead to a wide spectrum of symptoms that in most cases can be reversed using natural methods.
The Female Circadian Panel is designed for the menopausal female. It may be utilizedby physicians as a screening resource for cycling women when the physician needs to have immediate information for current hormonal status over a 24-hour period.Cycling women need to include the calendar menses day along with time of day the specimen is taken for proper laboratory reference range matching.
TheSABRE SCIENCESCrèmesare the first all natural endocrine support crèmes that combine all the elements necessary to support a rational endocrine program. Designed to deliver a potent yet responsible dose of several important factors, every SABRE SCIENCES product helps the body attain optimal balance.
NOTE: Shipping charges
Your custom cream will be sent out 2nd Day UPS. The shipping charges are included in the price.
Cortisol is a steroid hormone made in the adrenal glands. Cortisol's important function in the body includes roles in the regulation of blood pressure and cardiovascular function as well as regulation of the body's use of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Cortisol secretion increases in response to any stress in the body, whether physical (such as illness, trauma, surgery or temperature extremes) or psychological pressures, (such as poor marriage, unemployment, etc.).
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