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     Here are just a few quotes from the "Thousands of people" who have benefited from Roger's work over the past 44 years on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Some clients have been working with Roger with desirable results for decades.

   Roger keeps in contact with his long term clients and inspires them to " Go for the higher & Healthier You" as time moves on into the forth coming years of health and vitality. 

" Roger's level of consciousness was a profound challenge to the deep seated and hidden recesses of my personal negative belief structures.  Releasing these beliefs has opened the horizons of my life immeasurably."

Allan Douglas Ph.D, Musculo-skelatal Therapist

Hello Roger,

I am not sure you remember me. We met at the Dirk Lambert Event in Frankfurt this year, 2018. My friend Angela and I stayed behind and we had a great time talking to you and being healed by you.  I hope you are doing well.

You treated my left knee on that day and I have not had any pain for a long time.

Now I would  like to tell you a story: my knee started to get sore again about two weeks ago and got progressively worse. I used tapping and visualization to get better. My left eye was so bad on Thursday that I could barely see anything at all.  Despite all this I attended a meditation session with Dirk Lambert (on Thursday) which was amazing. Both my knee and eye were still painful though.

During the night I had a dream and you appeared in it ! You put your finger on my forehead – a bit to the side I want to say and said something ? to me. We did not have much time for some reason but you definitely treated me.

I woke up and: no pain in my left knee and my eye is nearly perfect !!!!

A combination of tapping visualization and magic?  I don´t know. It does not matter, I strongly believe that somehow you and I connected and our fields & merged and you helped with my knee and my eye heal.  For this I want to say thank you.

I thought you might like this story. 

Have a wonderful day and I know I am blessed because I have met you and had the privilege to be treated by you.

All the best   Sabine


" I found Roger's method of approach of potential and actual problem areas of the body extremely effective, non-invasive and most of all accurate."

B,R. R.N.

" Roger has helped me strengthen my immune-system, eliminate food & enviromental allergies,  while releasing old emotional patterns that were not serving me anymore."

Suzie Mc Natt, Newsletter Designer

" Roger, you are an amazing healer with such a big tool box, knowledge, wisdom and love that you bring to each session." 

                                         Suzanna Kennedy
                                          Holistic Healer

Suzanna Kennedy

“I have worked on my health issues with Roger for over 20 years.  His knowledge of the body and the nature of disease continues to impress me.  People are blessed to have the privilege of working with him.”

Ken Carlson - Environmental Lawyer


" It's very easy to relax into the warmth of Rogers soft and insightful presence and to bath in the wisdom that will take you to the source of your discomfort, then the work begins."

Dean Holden, Consultant, Author, Intuitive

I am feeling a return to health!  i feel my strength coming back to me... and somehow through your NET work, am feeling a new leaf unturn as to where it all went astray... WAY back when i was doing gymnastics is when i last felt this strong lean body... age 4-7... it was somewhere after that time that something was lost... and i am now re-integrating that childhood power and it feels great. more soon, 

Erica Berg - Actress

  "At 20 years old I had not had my period for almost a year and also suffered from acne. After less than a month of taking the supplements I got my period! Also my skin has almost completely cleared up and continues to improve every day." 

Fallon Mann / Actress

"Roger has been working with me on and off for over 20 years. We have explored many levels of health together and I trust him immensely. I have nick named him Merlin because it truly takes a wizard to figure out the body-mind-spirit connection and that is what he does! I highly recommend him if you want to continue to refine your health on many dimensions."  -Preeta (Singer-Songwriter-Musician)

Preeta Carlson

“ Roger has helped me in detoxifying toxic metals from past dental work that has significantly improved my health. it was the most dramatic thing you've ever done - finding my heavy metals and saving me."           

John Frazier - Healer / Consultant

“Throughout the past seven years Roger has always utilized creative innovative combinations of treatments to address and transform my physical and stress related symptoms.”


Latifa Amdur N.D. - Acupunturist

Roger’s expertise in his work has been instrumental in creating health and harmony in my family’s life. Roger is a truly remarkable being of light.”


Ansara - Spiritual Healer

“I felt toxic after I had my silver fillings removed.  The remedies Roger gave me worked incredibly to restore my high energy level.  I was very grateful for his insight and skill.”

Karuna Thal - Wholistic Health Educator

   When I was in college, I became real sick with allergies. I went to an allergy specialist and did all the standard tests. The doctor at that time, started me on allergy shots.  I even gave myself shots for years until I got really sick. So, I quit injecting the shots into myself and started to research new health alternatives. Since, I was told by doctors that I would have to be on the drugs for the rest of my life.  Detoxing the drugs, from the injections I took, was one to the worst experiences I have ever gone through. I made a decision to never do allergy shots again. I then discovered I had thyroid problems, low blood sugar, low immune system, adrenal problems and more. Most likly, from the drugs I took for so many years for my allergies.
Then I found Roger through a friend of mine in Hawaii and have done monthly work ups to obtain the correct supplements I need for over the past 20 years.
     I am now 73 years old and no longer on any medications / drugs and I am healthier now than when I was in my 20's and still working a steady job.
As a Special Note: Last year, I got an award for being theTop Sales person at Macy's, in the Jeans department from stats from ALL the Macy's stores accross the country.. and love it - thanks to Roger.  I am blessed to have found Roger and to have such a wonderful friend.

Loene Anderson, Boulder,CO.

" Thanks for the session today. Enlightening as usual...

Ela Stewart , Licenced Massage Therapist

My sister connected me to Roger after a lot of research. I reached out to him with regard to my son, who at that time was three years old. I was very concerned about his food intake and his speech. I have an older child so something about my son didn't sit right with me. Roger helped me diagnose the issues and the main concern was low brain activity. Since Roger's intervention, my son has shown remarkable improvement. He was diagnosed with autism later, but I feel that Roger's treatment and supplements are more on point with what his current symptoms are. We are working on current behavioral intervention as well, in conjunction with Roger's treatment and feel that our son has benefited immensely from both. I hope that as age brings new situations and challenges, we are able to appropriately address them with help from Roger. Grateful for his continued assistance!


 I visited Roger Denisewicz for a Healing Session.

     Roger, is supporting people’s health by utilizing kinesiology (muscle testing). Although my logical mind wants to resist the efficacy of this form of healing, I am continually amazed by the apparent accuracy of the procedure.

      If you are not familiar with kinesiology, it is a diagnostic system that uses manual muscle testing as a way to determine how to balance the energy systems of the body. Through the utilization of kinesiology, the practitioner / Roger can determine what foods, supplements, or other regimes can be used to bring the body into balance.

      Although experienced practitioners vary widely in how they apply muscle testing, the bottom line is the same: “Your Body Has the Answer to Your Cure”, the body knows how to heal itself and muscle testing can be used as an effective way to access the language of the body for healing. 

      Roger’s “bedside” manner is gentle, yet very knowledgeable; it is easy to see that Roger has been doing this for a long time. His “medical / suplement kit” is complete with small doses of 125+ samples of healing agents / supplements that he uses for his nutritional analysis.

       The body is a vast compendium of interactive networks and it can be a daunting task to know where to begin any diagnosis. Roger solves this by isolating 5 main systems of the body/mind/system: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and structural imbalances

      In my case, Roger isolated my physical body’s priority in the area most needing of assistance. He then proceeded to test for any weakened or stressed areas of my body.  Roger found that my adrenals were very stressed; he also discovered an active virus in my mouth which contributed to my gum challenges.

     Once he found the primary causes of my body’s imbalance, Roger tested a number of nutritional supplements until he found the right combination of nutrients that supported my body to rediscover its core strength and vitality.

    I was amazed to see how my body was visibly & virtually weaker vs. stronger, as Roger tested one supplement after another in the quest to discover which supplements would test strongly consistently, for me to take for my healing.  Roger constantly was cross- checking his own results until the muscles would weaken or strengthen repeatedly in relationship to the supplements that was being tested for me.

      Within an hour, Roger arrived at the correct regime of “treatment,”  I felt confident that I was about to embark on a healing journey that would be effective. The kinesiology treatment itself was so convincing, that I felt my healing had already begun from the time of my initial diagnostic experience to the time I left his office.

       I am looking forward to implementing Roger’s program and would definitely recommend Roger to anyone who would like to extend their adventure of health to higher level.

My follow-up session 6 months later...

     When I first came to see Roger almost six months ago for a kinesiology session. Roger focused in on a number of health issues that had been compromized my body health, the most notable being a fairly advanced case of gum disease. Roger determined that the gum problems were a result of a virus in my mouth. Roger, then prescribed a number of supplements to support healing of the gums and other areas of my body.

   I noticed recently that my gums were not bothering me as much. Upon going back to my dentist, he found that my "pockets" had decreased considerably. There were other improvements as well. In the past week, I visited Roger again for an updated session.  Roger's testing found me "clear" of all the issues that I had originally visited him for. Needless to say, I am very happy with the results!"

Richard Diamond > Creator & Editor of Kauai Museletter

"I am continually amazed by the vastness and depth of understanding of Roger, not only about kenesiology, but also other aspects of what it takes to improve and enhance one's life. I think of him as a Wizard of Healing. He is definitely one of a kind, and feel honored and grateful to be working with him. I would definitely recommend him to anyone."

Richard Diamond - Editor of Heartbeat of Kauai Musletter

If you have worked with Roger and have a story or quote you would like to share feel free to contact him at 949-933-7666 or email Roger at yourbodycanheal@gmail.com  He would love to hear from you.



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                " Your Body has the Answer to Your Cure" ...   Roger                        

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